
Showing posts from June 22, 2020

Quotation of the Day: A Racist Attack Was Caught on Camera. Nearly 45 Years Later, It Still Stings.

By Unknown Author Today’s Paper Quotation of the Day for Tuesday, June 23, 2020. New York Times June 23, 2020 at 04:05AM

Muslim Woman Was Forced to Remove Hijab for Booking Photo After Arrest, Advocacy Group Says

By BY AZI PAYBARAH U.S. More than 100,000 people have signed a petition criticizing the treatment of Alaa Massri, 18, at a correctional center in Miami. New York Times George Floyd Protests (2020), Demonstrations, Protests and Riots, Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings, Monuments and Memorials (Structures), Muslim Veiling June 23, 2020 at 03:50AM

Protesters in Washington Try to Topple Andrew Jackson Statue

By BY THE NEW YORK TIMES U.S. Just steps from the White House in Lafayette Square, a group of protesters clashed with officers as they sought to clear out the park. New York Times Demonstrations, Protests and Riots June 23, 2020 at 03:43AM

You’ve Torn Your Dress

By BY DEB AMLEN Crosswords & Games Jeff Chen offers a very measured puzzle. New York Times Crossword Puzzles June 23, 2020 at 02:00AM

Tennessee Newspaper Fires Advertising Manager After Anti-Muslim Ad

By BY AIMEE ORTIZ Business The Tennessean apologized for the ad on Sunday in a statement that said its advertising standards forbid hate speech. New York Times Newspapers, Advertising and Marketing, Muslims and Islam, Muslim Americans, Fringe Groups and Movements June 23, 2020 at 01:22AM

Health Officials Had to Face a Pandemic. Then Came the Death Threats.

By BY JULIE BOSMAN U.S. State and local health officials have found themselves at the center of regular news briefings amid the coronavirus outbreak, making them targets for harassment and threats. New York Times Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Quarantines, Coronavirus Reopenings, Appointments and Executive Changes, Medicine and Health June 23, 2020 at 01:16AM

Trump Suspends Visas Allowing Hundreds of Thousands of Foreigners to Work in the U.S.

By BY MICHAEL D. SHEAR AND MIRIAM JORDAN U.S. The move is fiercely opposed by business leaders, who say it will block their ability to recruit critically needed workers from countries overseas. New York Times Foreign Workers, Immigration and Emigration, Visas, United States Economy, United States Politics and Government, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) June 22, 2020 at 11:49PM

America Is Too Broken to Fight the Coronavirus

By BY MICHELLE GOLDBERG Opinion No other developed country is doing so badly. New York Times Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Coronavirus Reopenings, Deaths (Fatalities), Masks, Protective Clothing and Gear, States (US), United States Politics and Government, Epidemics June 23, 2020 at 12:20AM

Eat Like an Italian

By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT Food A new food guide provides a deep history of the Italian table, with etiquette, dishes and provincial specialties. New York Times Italian Food (Cuisine), Cooking and Cookbooks June 23, 2020 at 12:20AM

Korean Condiments and House Wine From Atoboy

By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT Food The restaurant has opened an online shop to sell imported condiments along with its house wine, pottery and more. New York Times Cooking and Cookbooks, Shopping and Retail, Condiments, Wines June 23, 2020 at 12:18AM

Players Reject 60-Game Plan, Leaving Manfred to Determine M.L.B. Season

By BY TYLER KEPNER Sports The rejection of the owners’ latest proposal left few options for a 2020 season and set up a potentially lengthy legal battle between management and the players’ union. New York Times Baseball, Wages and Salaries, Coronavirus Reopenings, Collective Bargaining June 23, 2020 at 12:14AM

Summer Rolls for Entertaining

By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT Food Pescatore in Grand Central Market ships eight varieties of its seafood-filled rolls nationwide. New York Times Cooking and Cookbooks, Seafood June 23, 2020 at 12:12AM

A Play on Chocolate

By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT Food Mondiants, the chocolatier Christopher Curtin’s latest creation, iterate on a sweet idea. New York Times Chocolate June 23, 2020 at 12:11AM

These Complete a Spirit

By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT Food Avec, a new juice-based soft drink, comes in five flavors and pairs well with tequila, gin or vodka. New York Times Soft Drinks, Citrus Fruits June 23, 2020 at 12:08AM

G.O.P. Faces Risk From Push to Repeal Health Law During Pandemic

By BY SHERYL GAY STOLBERG U.S. Republicans and the Trump administration continue to press to end the Affordable Care Act even as the virus leaves more Americans worried about affordable health coverage. New York Times Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), Health Insurance and Managed Care, United States Politics and Government, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Elections, Senate, Presidential Election of 2020, Elections, House of Representatives June 23, 2020 at 12:05AM

Coronavirus Briefing: What Happened Today

By BY LARA TAKENAGA AND JONATHAN WOLFE U.S. An expert compared the virus’s spread in the U.S. to a “forest fire.” New York Times Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) June 22, 2020 at 11:51PM

Trump Suspends Visas Allowing Hundreds of Thousands of Foreigners to Work in the U.S.

By BY MICHAEL D. SHEAR AND MIRIAM JORDAN U.S. The move is fiercely opposed by business leaders, who say it will block their ability to recruit critically needed workers from countries overseas. New York Times Foreign Workers, Immigration and Emigration, Visas, United States Economy, United States Politics and Government, Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) June 22, 2020 at 11:49PM

Bars, Strip Clubs and Churches: U.S. Virus Outbreaks Enter Unwieldy Phase

By BY SARAH MERVOSH, MITCH SMITH AND LUCY TOMPKINS U.S. For months, clusters often centered in nursing homes, prisons and food processing plants. With Americans venturing into public more, new types of outbreaks are emerging. New York Times Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Coronavirus Reopenings, Casinos, Football (College), Bars and Nightclubs, Masks June 22, 2020 at 11:49PM

Prestigious Wine Organization Drops Use of Term ‘Master’

By BY CHRISTINA MORALES U.S. The Court of Master Sommeliers, Americas wants to be more inclusive. Some black wine experts say the recent changes aren’t enough. New York Times Wines, Race and Ethnicity, Black People, Discrimination June 22, 2020 at 11:46PM

Un viaje de 8000 kilómetros para decir adiós a dos metros de distancia

By BY MOTOKO RICH en Español Muchas personas no han logrado llegar al lecho de muerte de sus familiares durante la pandemia. Yo fui una de las pocas afortunadas. New York Times Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Quarantines, Morgues and Mortuaries, Children and Childhood, Elder Care June 22, 2020 at 11:34PM

Will a New Progressive Star Emerge on Tuesday?

By BY LISA LERER U.S. Democrats will be closely watching two primary races as a test of progressive energy. New York Times Elections, House of Representatives, Presidential Election of 2020 June 22, 2020 at 11:30PM

Curators Urge Guggenheim to Fix Culture That ‘Enables Racism’

By BY ROBIN POGREBIN Arts A letter to the director, signed by “The Curatorial Department,” outlines steps the museum should take to diversify its staff, board and exhibitions. New York Times Museums, Art, Race and Ethnicity, Discrimination, Black People June 22, 2020 at 11:20PM

After Virus Tests, Djokovic Is Criticized for Holding Exhibition

By BY CHRISTOPHER CLAREY Sports A match on the Adria Tour, an exhibition circuit organized by Novak Djokovic in the Balkans, was canceled on Sunday after a player tested positive for the coronavirus. New York Times Coronavirus Reopenings, Tennis June 22, 2020 at 11:17PM

Another Shooting at Seattle's Protest ‘Autonomous Zone’

By BY MIKE BAKER U.S. A person was injured on Sunday in the area of the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” established by protesters against police violence, the second round of gunfire over the weekend. New York Times George Floyd Protests (2020), Demonstrations, Protests and Riots, Black Lives Matter Movement, Police June 22, 2020 at 07:58AM

A Football Career on the Cusp of Glory, Dashed by the Pandemic

By BY JERÉ LONGMAN Sports Bradley Sylve has dreamed of playing pro football for more than 15 years, persisting through Hurricane Katrina, a torn Achilles’ tendon and the XFL. He’s still determined to decide for himself when his window closes. New York Times Football, Sports Injuries, Hurricane Katrina (2005), Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) June 22, 2020 at 07:00AM

The Country Is Reopening. Is It Safe to Play Softball Again?

By BY MATTHEW FUTTERMAN Sports Even the states hardest hit by the coronavirus have begun to allow more economic activity. What does that mean for playing the sports we love? New York Times Athletics and Sports, Exercise, Beach Volleyball June 22, 2020 at 07:00AM